
2022-07-19 04:10


如何使用Shell.Application技术 2011: 1、创建 Shell 对象var Shell = new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application");2、使用 Shell 属性及方法Shell.ApplicationShell.ParentShell.CascadeWindows()Shell.TileHorizontally()Shell.TileVertically()Shell.ControlPanelItem(sDir) /* 比如:sysdm.cpl */Shell.EjectPC()Shell.Explore(vDir)Shell.Open(vDir)Shell.FileRun()Shell.FindComputer()Shell.FindFiles()Shell.Help()Shell.MinimizeAll()Shell.UndoMinimizeALL()Shell.RefreshMenu()Shell.SetTime()Shell.TrayProperties()Shell.ShutdownWindows()Shell.Suspend()oWindows = Shell.Windows() /* 返回ShellWindows对象 */fFolder = Shell.NameSpace(vDir) /* 返回所打开的vDir的Folder对象 */oFolder = Shell.BrowseForFolder(Hwnd, sTitle, iOptions [, vRootFolder]) /* 选择文件夹对话框 *//*示例:function BrowseFolder(){var Message = "清选择文件夹";var Shell= new ActiveXObject( "Shell.Application" );var Folder = Shell.BrowseForFolder(0,Message,0x0040,0x11);if(Folder != null){Folder = Folder.items(); // 返回 FolderItems 对象Folder = Folder.item();// 返回 Folderitem 对象Folder = Folder.Path;// 返回路径if(Folder.charAt(varFolder.length-1) != "\\"){Folder = varFolder + "\\";}return Folder;}}*//*示例:var Folder = Shell.NameSpace("C:\\");// 返回 Folder对象*/ 3、使用 Folder 对象[ oApplication = ] Folder.Application // Contains the Application object.[ oParentFolder= ] Folder.ParentFolder // Contains the parent Folder object.[oTitle= ] Folder.Title// Contains the title of the folder.Folder.CopyHere(vItem [, vOptions]) // Copies an item or items to a folder.Folder.MoveHere(vItem [, vOptions]) // Moves an item or items to this folder./*vItem:Required. Specifies the item or items to move. This can be a string that represents a file name, a FolderItem object, or a FolderItems object. vOptions Optional. Specifies options for the move operation. This value can be zero or a combination of the following values. These values are based upon flags defined for use with the fFlags member of the C++ SHFILEOPSTRUCT structure. These flags are not defined as such for Microsoft? Visual Basic?, Visual Basic Scripting Edition (VBScript), or Microsoft JScript?, so you must define them yourself or use their numeric equivalents.4Do not display a progress dialog box.8Give the file being operated on a new name in a move, copy, or rename operation if a file with the target name already exists.16Respond with "Yes to All" for any dialog box that is displayed.64Preserve undo information, if possible. 128 Perform the operation on files only if a wildcard file name (*.*) is specified.256Display a progress dialog box but do not show the file names.512Do not confirm the creation of a new directory if the operation requires one to be created.1024 Do not display a user interface if an error occurs.2048Version 4.71. Do not copy the security attributes of the file. 4096Only operate in the local directory. Don't operate recursively into subdirectories. 9182 Version 5.0. Do not move connected files as a group. Only move the specified files.*/Folder.NewFolder(bName) // Creates a new folder.ppid = Folder.ParseName(bName)// Creates and returns a FolderItem object that represents a specified item./*bName:Required. A string that specifies the name of the item. */oFolderItems = Folder.Items()// Retrieves a FolderItems object that represents the collection of items in the folder.sDetail = Folder.GetDetailsOf(vItem, iColumn)// Retrieves details about an item in a folder. For example, its size, type, or the time of its last modification./*vItem:Required. Specifies the item for which to retrieve the information. This must be a FolderItem object. iColumn: Required. An Integer value that specifies the information to be retrieved. The







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