
2022-07-20 07:53


2007: 2007年12月大学英语四级阅读模拟40篇(含答案)七

31/大学英语四级阅读40篇Courses with the numbers 800 or above are open only to graduate students.Certain courses,generally those devoted to introductory material,are numbered 400 for undergraduate students and 600 for graduate students. Courses designed for students seeking a professional degree carry a 500 number for undergraduate students and a 700 munber for graduate students.A full-time graduate student is expected to take courses which total ten to sixteen credit hours. Students holding assistantships are expected to enroll for proportionately fewer hours.A part-time graduate student must register for a minimun of five credit hours.1.In order to be eligible to enroll in Mechanical Engineering 850,a student must be ______.a.a graduate studentb.a part-time studentc.a full-time studentd.an undergraduate student2.If an undergraduate student uses the number 520 to register for an accounting course,what number would a graduate student probably use to register for the same course?a.accounting 520b.accounting 620c.accounting 720d.accounting 8203.A student who register for eight credit hours is a ______.a.full-time studentb.graduate studentc.part-time studentd.non-degree student4.A graduate student may not _____a.enroll in a course numbered 610b.register for only one three-hour coursec.register for courses if he has an assistantshipd.enroll in an introductory course31/大学英语四级阅读40篇答案:accb


Byrne turned the key in the heavy lock and put it calmly in his pocket.He did so much more from caution than from any kind of fear.This was the only entrance to the house,and he did not mean to be caught unawares by any danger from outside.He wondered if Tom Corbin had been as cautious the night before.Though Tom would be away for at least three days,Byrne had a strange feeling of his nearness.In the stillness he seemed to hear Tom's voice.He looked round quickly, for the tricks of hearing are the most realistic of all.But there were only the women.It seemed impossible that Tom should not be there.

The girl,carrying a smoky oil lamp,led Byrne upstairs.He threw open one after another the doors along the passage.At this,the girl stopped and raised the lamp in each doorway,staring at him meanwhile.Satisfied he was the only guest,Byrne came to the last door,which the girl threw open herself.

"You sleep here,sir" she said,giving him the lamp."Your friend slept here too.It's our most comfortable bed."

"Good night,miss," he said politely.

Her lips moved in reply, but he did not catch the words.Her eyes never for a moment left his face.He stepped in,and as he turned to close the door she was still standing there motionless.He paused,and in the silence he thought he again heard the sound of Tom's voice.The sound ferrified him now ,not only because it seemed much nearer but also because he imagined a note of warning in it.

1.Why did Byrne take the key with him?a.to let Tom in,when he turned.b.because he was afraid of what was going to happenc.to stop any enemy being let into the housed.because he did not want the women to escape

2.We know from the passage that Tom Corbin_____.a.had left the house three days beforb.had left quite as suspicious as Byrne wasc.has stayed in the house for three days.d.had slept in the house the night before

3.Byrne was surprised when he turned round because_____.a.Tom was not in the roomb.he had not expected to find Tom therec.there was no danger behind himd.the women were there

4.Why did Byrne look inside each room?a.he wanted to choose the best room for himselfb.he was looking for tom corbinc.the girl wanted him to examine each of the rooms.d.he wished to make sure there was no one inside








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